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Blunt Therapy is a blog about mental health matters from a licensed therapist who's been there. Tips, advice, and analysis on topics that matter. These are our latest posts!

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5 Compelling Reasons Why Motivation Matters For Your Mental Health

Motivation is the driving force behind many of our actions and decisions. It pushes us to get up in the morning, strive for our goals, and face challenges head-on. Understanding why motivation matters for mental health can be transformative. Motivation isn’t just about completing tasks; it’s a crucial element that…


8 Steps to Recovery From A Bad Car Accident 

Car accidents can abruptly disrupt your life, leaving more than just physical injuries. The emotional and psychological impact of car accident trauma can be profound, affecting your daily functioning and overall well-being. Even seemingly minor collisions can lead to significant challenges that extend beyond immediate physical recovery.  Addressing these issues…

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